Wednesday, October 19, 2016

IB Film: Legal Disclaimer for Hollywoodrow Films

(Thank you, Henry, for providing us with a more comprehensive disclaimer. Hat tip and 5,000 style points to you, sir.)

Fair Use: All copyrights belong to their respective owners.

Images, pictures, photos, music, and text owned by other copyright holders are used here under the guidelines of the Fair Use provisions of United States Copyright Law. These images, pictures, photos, music, and text are used here only for the education of high school students, and are not intended to generate income for the school, its employees, or its students.

IB Lit: IOP Topics for Crime and Punishment

All presenters need to be ready to roll beginning October 24.

  • Dostoevsky pre-exile
  • Dostoevsky's exile
  • Dostoevsky post-exile
  • 19th Century Petersburg: A history
    • White Nights
  • 19th Century Popular European Philosophy
  • Nietzsche and Nihilism
    • Russian Nihilism
Philosophy and Religion
  • The Philosophical Teachings of N. G. Chernyshevsky
  • The Story of Lazarus
  • The Russian Orthodox Church: Practices
    • Communions and Confessions

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

IB Lit: Candide Take-home Questions

1.  How does Voltaire contrast harsh reality with the ideals of optimism in order to discredit optimism as a viable philosophy of life?
2.  Describe some of the satirical techniques that Voltaire uses to satirize "important" individuals, the military, and religious figures. How is the humor achieved in the description of the characters?
3.  How does Voltaire develop the theme of religious hypocrisy and intolerance in Chapters 1-19?
4.  How does Voltaire design the opening chapter of Candide to be recognized as a parody of the Biblical story of the Fall, and why would Voltaire do this?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

IB Literature: Writing the Reflective Essay Part II ***Updated***

Refer to this earlier post found here.

Ignore the handout that was originally linked here. The information is of limited value; while it was at one time accurate, the prior post is far more applicable to current best practices for IB students.