Side One
- Write the stem in big block letters on the blank side of the 3x5 card.
- Write the meaning of the stem
- Write three to five words containing the stem
- Write a complete sentence explaining how the stem works within the word
- Example: If your stem was "-phile," you could write, "A 'bibliophile' is a lover of books because 'biblio' means 'book' and '-phile' means 'lover.'" (You will, one hopes, write a better sentence than that.)
Every Monday, or on whatever day the first day of the week falls, your vocabulary stem cards will be due. It's a "do-it-or-screw-it" grade, meaning you get full credit for getting it all done, or you get nothing.
List 31
- mal (bad)
- post (after)
- port (carry)
- dict (say)
- omni (all)
- lith (rock)
- bene (good)
- cred (believe)
- neo (new)
- uni (one)
- non (not)
- archy (government)
- inter (between)
- mono (one)
- pond (weight)
- in (not)
- sci (know)
- phyte (plant)
- lat (side)
- hypo (under)
- dox (opinion)
- put (think)
- mega (large)
- alter (other)
- contra (against)
- con (together)
- circum (around)
- sol (alone)
- fy (make)
- ous (full of)
- hetero (different)
- pater (father)
- ver (true)
- sangui (blood)
- ego (I)
- ven (come)
- flu (flow)
- loqu (talk)
- moll (soft)
- greg (group)
- tion (act or state)
- de (down)
- voc (voice)
- luc (light)
- acr (sharp)
- ambul (walk)
- pugn (fight)
- sequ (follow)
- centri (center)
- ous (full of)
- sanct (holy)
- phon (sound)
- clam (cry out)
- trans (across)
- fort (strong)
- per (through)
- fid (faith)
- non (not)
- ego (I)
- loqu (talk)
- sacro (holy)
- caco (bad)
- tang (touch)
- dict (say)
- bas (low)
- nihil (nothing)
- muta (change)
- terr (land)
- cogn (know)
- re (again)
- super (over)
- de (down)
- gram (writing)
- obit (death)
- sequ (follow)
- path (feeling)
- ism (doctrine)
- inter (between)
- in (in or not)
- sed (sit)
- tort (twist)
- anim (mind)
- epi (on)
- ob (against)
List 35
- anthropo (man)
- gastro (stomach)
- auto (self)
- contra (against)
- viv (life)
- helio (sun)
- culp (blame)
- spec (look)
- mono (one)
- centri (center)
- medi (middle)
- ambi (both)
- ism (doctrine)
- trans (across)
- ex (out)
- intro (into)
- trop (turn)
- lykos (wolf)
List 36
- pre (before)
- gen (origin)
- jur (swear)
- sopor (sleep)
- ped (foot)
- lin (line)
- tomy (cut)
- tort (twist)
- ob (against)
- sesqui (one and a half)
- nec (kill)
- post (after)
- son (sound)
- demo (people)
- inter (between)
- cracy (government)
- phan (appearance)
- dicho (in two parts)
- sui (self)
- partheno (virgin)
- pluto (wealth)
List 37
- thanatos (death)
- opia (sight)
- vac (empty)
- luc (light)
- -ize (make)
- sed (sit)
- fug (flee)
- pusill (small)
- nepo (nephew)
- viv (life)
- spir (breathe)
- syn (together)
- man (hand)
- ex (out)
- -ism (system)
- sub (under)
- -ine (nature of)
- anim (mind)
- bon (good)
- -ous (full of)
List 38
- log (reason)
- phor (carry)
- loco (place)
- de (down)
- phobia (fear)
- schizo (divide)
- theo (god)
- curs (run)
- eu (good)
- funi (cord)
- nym (name)
- -ize (make)
- re (again)
- ambul (walk)
- ideo (idea)
- apo (up)
- pre (before)
- cosmo (universe)
- phon (sound)
- meta (change)
List 39
- pro (forward)
- patr- (father)
- cred (believe)
- -ous (full of)
- miss (send)
- viv (life)
- sanct- (holy)
- syn (together)
- co (together)
- in (in)
- apo (away)
- -ism (doctrine)
- mis (bad)
- gno (know)
- loco (place)
- sta (stand)
- phys- (nature)
- terr (land)
- opia (sight)
- loqu (talk)
- hedon (pleasure)
- liqu (flow)
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